Privacy policy

Data Protection and Retention Policy

This policy applies to: The Barn Owl Trust, Waterleat, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7HU. Registered Charity No. 299 835. All information is collected and processed in accordance with current UK Data Protection legislation. You can review Data Protection Principles at link

Why we keep personal data

We record all communications and keep contact details so we can recognise people, contact people, and respond appropriately to enquiries. Such information is kept securely, solely for the purposes of wildlife conservation and research and the pursuit of the Trust’s aims. Under Data Protection Regulation, our legal basis for doing so is Legitimate Interests.

How we contact you

We prefer email but also use postal services. Circumstances may arise when your telephone number is extremely useful. To restrict how we can contact you, or indicate a preference, please contact us.

Accessing the information we hold

To see, correct, or update the personal information we hold about you please contact us.

Removal of data

If you ask us to delete your personal information, we will anonymise your contact details, and delete all personal information from records of past communication. If you want your personal information deleted please contact us.


The database containing your personal data (your name and contact details) is password protected, not connected to the internet, and can only be accessed by the Barn Owl Trust. We do not share personal data with third parties without permission, except where necessary for crime prevention and detection, or if required to do so by law. We do not trade personal data and we do not use it for profiling, screening, or personal research.

Our purpose in keeping such information, how we use it, and how long we keep it, varies according to the reason we have the information. For reporters of owl sites and sightings:

Use When further owl information is required we will contact you by email, phone, or post (if we have your full address).  Where there is a clearly identifiable conservation need, your contact details may be passed on to trusted contacts.

Purpose Wildlife conservation. Scientific, statistical, and historical research (e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment).

Retention Your details will be kept permanently.

Legal basis Legitimate interests

Published 14th March 2018
The Barn Own Trust

You can read our full Data Protection and Retention Policy at link